
Click on Pearson for Textbook and the Schoology app for the Learning Platform
You will find resources and assignments within the Schoology.  If you are absent, you can still work with the class!  If you are ahead or behind, you can review videos for upcoming lessons or previous lessons.  Use the channels to find specific topics to review.
REMEMBER:  I am here to facilitate your learning.  I will provide resources, tools, feedback, and I will push you to be your best.  However, you must be ready to learn.  Learning is your RESPONSIBILITY!  Embrace it!:)

and then click on Clever.  Schoology should be in your favorites.

To check your grades and attendance, click on the Skyward link at the top of the web page or use the following link:



LoLoginUse your student login for user name and PW is last name in ALL CAPS