Candace Taylor » Welcome to Ms. Taylor's English Class

Welcome to Ms. Taylor's English Class

First and foremost, I want to make sure that students, parents, and all faculty understand how excited I am to be able to serve and enrich these lives here at Smyrna West Alternative School. This school year will be a dynamic year. The goal and motto for my class is "35 and Thrive." This means that I want all students to do his or her 35 days in order to complete their program here at Smyrna West Alternative school, and then thrive back at his or her home school. The ultimate goal is for the students to understand and take responsibility for the action that brought them to Smyrna West Alternative School, but also gain greater insight into being better. I am so excited to serve this school as well as the county of Rutherford.  When Smyrna West Alternative School makes a difference, that propels the community to be greater. I hope to achieve excellence and greatness with these students this year. Please feel free to email me anytime!! I am more than happy to communicate with you. Thank you and I know that this year will be nothing less than excellent.
As a side note, please all students and parents make sure that you continue to socially distance yourselves and please wash your hands. 


Class and Class Time

1st Period

Planning Period: 8:40 AM - 9:30 AM

2nd period

English III: 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

3rd period

English I: 10:20 AM-11:10

4th period

English I: 11:10 AM -12:25 PM

(Lunch break 11:20 AM-11:45 AM)

5th period

English III: 12:25 PM – 1:15 PM

6th period

Dean Period: 1:15 PM – 2:05 PM

7th period

Directed Studies: 2:05 PM- 2:50PM


2:50 PM- 3:15PM

Students remain in 7th period until

 the students’ ride or bus comes or 3:15PM

All Remaining


(All remaining students go to the library or cafeteria until their bus or ride comes and picks them up)


Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office.  (615) 904-3856 


Use Clever to access assignments in Schoology.  


You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.  


My email address is [email protected].